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Top Quality Movado Black Watches (153) Items
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Watches News

  • Ebel - Host of the Tribeca Film Festival

    Ebel, The Architects of Time, was proud to host the "Tribeca Film Festival Women Filmmakers Brunch " held at City Hall Restaurant in New York City's Tribeca neighborhood on Tuesday, April 27, 2010. The brunch is an annual event and a part of the Tribeca Film Festival that unites and celebrates women in the film industry. Guests include the Festival's female jurors, directors, producers, actresses and Festival executives.

    "Our annual brunch provides a great opportunity for us to support the women filmmakers at the Festival, bring them together in one place and allow them to get to know one another," said Nancy Schafer, Executive Director of the Festival. "It is one of my favorite events of the Festival and I am thrilled to have EBEL as the host this year".
    The annual Women Filmmakers brunch has become a fixture of the Tribeca Film Festival and an important venue for the Festival's female filmmakers to form relationships, network and exchange ideas. Among this year's attendees were Jane Rosenthal, Jessica Alba, Selma Blair, Cheryl Hines, Abbie Cornish, Anika Noni Rose, Sheila Johnson, Perry Miller Adato and Ellen Kuras.

    "Ebel is honored to be a part of the Tribeca Film Festival and to sponsor this unique and special event. It is a logical partnership", stated Mary Leach, Chief Marketing Officer, Movado Group. "Ebel watches are designed with passion and creativity and represent a blend of artistic refinement and technical precision - very much like the many women whose acclaimed works in the art of film are being honored here today".
    With the compelling new watches and global advertising campaign it is introducing this year, Ebel has proudly rededicated itself to the fundamental values, spirit and goals of its founders; elegance, sophistication and refinement with concern for detail and exceptional expertise.

  • Concord - Alex Grinberg New President

    Grinberg has extensive MGI corporate management and watch industry experience. He joined the company in 1994 as a Territory Manager for the Movado Brand and in 1996 was promoted to the General Manager for Concord Asia. In that role, Grinberg was stationed in the Far East and spent the next four years developing Movado Group, Inc. brands in Hong Kong and Japan. He returned to the U.S. in 2000 and became the President of Concord, Americas.
    "Over the past two years, MGI Luxury Group re-launched the brand by making it cutting-edge, defined by its bold philosophy, aggressive positioning and daring product. I am extremely confident that Alex along with the outstanding Concord team we have in place will continue to bring watch making to new heights and impact the industry in ways it has never seen before," said Movado Group Inc. Chairman, President and CEO, Efraim Grinberg.  
    With the introduction of the C1 and the C1 QuantumGravity, Concord continues to develop new leadership product and industry firsts with modern, technologically masterful timepieces. This year Concord unveiled at BaselWorld, the extraordinary C1 QuantumGravity which will be available in limited production later this year.
    Alex Grinberg was a key participant in the relaunch of the brand and together with the worldwide Concord team, will continue to focus on building unparalleled product and superior customer service. He will be based in the United States.
    Movado Group, Inc. designs, manufactures, and distributes Movado, Ebel, Concord, ESQ, Coach, Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Juicy Couture and Tommy Hilfiger watches worldwide and operates Movado boutiques and Company stores in the United States.

  • Concord - Vincent Perriard leaves the management

    10 juin 2009Comme le laissait entendre une rumeur persistante mais non confirmee jusqu'a cette nuit, Vincent Perriard, l'actuel CEO de Concord quitte son poste pour prendre la tête TechnoMarine. Ce changement devrait intervenir "des que possible", selon Christian Viros, le president du conseil d'administration de la marque qui en assure la direction ad interim. Il est neanmoins prevu pour l'automne, le temps de respecter les six mois de dedit contractuels. "Nous souhaitions une personnalite jeune, dynamique et qui ait une bonne connaissance de la distribution. Vincent Perriard rassemble toutes ces qualites." Les premiers contacts ont eu lieu a l'initiative de TechnoMarine il y trois mois. "Monsieur Perriard a ete surpris que l'on s'adresse a lui mais une alchimie s'est tres vite creee entre lui et notre equipe." Quant a Christian Viros, il se detachera progressivement de l'operationnel mais gardera toujours un contrôle sur la marche de l'entreprise. Tenu au secret de fonction, Vincent Perriard s'abstient pour le moment de tout commentaire. "TechnoMarine offrait des opportunites que Vincent Perriard ne retrouvait pas chez Concord, indique une source proche du dossier. Il aura en particulier un interêt a la plus-value, ce qui n'etait pas le cas au sein du groupe Movado, proprietaire de la marque." Arrive a la tête de Concord en 2006, Vincent Perriard l'aura remanie en profondeur. Il transforme alors cette marque ronronnante en lui offrant une identite en rupture complete avec ce qui se faisait jusqu'alors. Axees sur des produits au design anguleux et opulent, les nouvelles collections se positionnent dans un registre tres avant-gardiste.

Movado Black

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