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Buy Cheap Movado Black Watch, Luxury Movado Black Watch

Watches can enhance your personality and give you a modish look. Having a matching watch, you can give your personality an appealing look. In the process of long life, some jewelry will give splendid luster to this journey. Movado Black watches replica will accompany you day and night and make your life more vivid. In order to meet every fashion fan, we offer AAA Movado Black replica watches. You can only spend a little part of money to enjoy the experience of the authentic.
Top Quality Movado Black Watches (153) Items
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Top Quality Movado Black Watches (153) Items
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Watches News

  • Ebel - Melanie Oudin honored

    Ebel Watches and Brown & Co. Jewelers, Atlanta, Georgia, shared in a tribute on December 3, 2009, to recognize 2009 US Open quarterfinalist Melanie Oudin for her stellar performance in the tournament. Melanie became the youngest American quarterfinalist at the Open since 1999.
    At a celebratory reception held at Brown & Co. Jewelers in Atlanta. Ebel and Brown & Co. presented Melanie with a check to donate to her chosen charity - Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - along with an Ebel Brasilia watch, in honor of her distinguished performance and athletic accomplishments.
    "We congratulate Melanie for her outstanding performance and the courage she demonstrated at this year's US Open", said Alan Chinich, US President of Ebel. "Melanie exemplifies the qualities of a true leader and role model - pursuit of excellence, passion and hard work. The manner in which she has pursued her dreams serves as an inspiration for all, and we wish her continued success both on and off the court".
    Movado Group, Inc. designs, manufactures, and distributes Movado, Ebel, Concord, ESQ by Movado, Coach, Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Juicy Couture and Tommy Hilfiger watches worldwide and operates Movado boutiques and Company Stores in the United States.

  • Concord - Vincent Perriard leaves the management

    10 juin 2009Comme le laissait entendre une rumeur persistante mais non confirmee jusqu'a cette nuit, Vincent Perriard, l'actuel CEO de Concord quitte son poste pour prendre la tête TechnoMarine. Ce changement devrait intervenir "des que possible", selon Christian Viros, le president du conseil d'administration de la marque qui en assure la direction ad interim. Il est neanmoins prevu pour l'automne, le temps de respecter les six mois de dedit contractuels. "Nous souhaitions une personnalite jeune, dynamique et qui ait une bonne connaissance de la distribution. Vincent Perriard rassemble toutes ces qualites." Les premiers contacts ont eu lieu a l'initiative de TechnoMarine il y trois mois. "Monsieur Perriard a ete surpris que l'on s'adresse a lui mais une alchimie s'est tres vite creee entre lui et notre equipe." Quant a Christian Viros, il se detachera progressivement de l'operationnel mais gardera toujours un contrôle sur la marche de l'entreprise. Tenu au secret de fonction, Vincent Perriard s'abstient pour le moment de tout commentaire. "TechnoMarine offrait des opportunites que Vincent Perriard ne retrouvait pas chez Concord, indique une source proche du dossier. Il aura en particulier un interêt a la plus-value, ce qui n'etait pas le cas au sein du groupe Movado, proprietaire de la marque." Arrive a la tête de Concord en 2006, Vincent Perriard l'aura remanie en profondeur. Il transforme alors cette marque ronronnante en lui offrant une identite en rupture complete avec ce qui se faisait jusqu'alors. Axees sur des produits au design anguleux et opulent, les nouvelles collections se positionnent dans un registre tres avant-gardiste.

Movado Black

Although our Movado Black watches are replicas, they are comparable in style and quality with genuine ones. Please visit our online store and get some related information. Movado Black watches replica were made by excellent expert craftsmen who know that only precision work can lead to good results in watch production. Naturally, that goes for replica watches too. You are in the ideal place to get you beloved watch; all watches here are sold at reasonable prices. Various Movado Black watches will be found here!